Hegels objektive Vernunft : Kritik der Versöhnung
The AI mirror : how to reclaim our humanity in an age of machine thinking
Band 1: Die okzidentale Konstellation von Glauben und Wissen
Band 2: Vernünftige Freiheit : Spuren des Diskurses über Glauben und Wissen
<<De rebus naturalibus>> Volume 1
<<De rebus naturalibus>> Volume 2
Classroom Assessment : What Teachers Need to Know
The Story of constitutions : discovering the we In Us
War, states, and international order : Alberico Gentili and the foundational myth of the laws of war
Konzepte der 'Person' in der russischen Ideengeschichte : Studien zum interkulturellen Begriffstransfer
Russian Food since 1800 : Empire at table
World literature in the Soviet Union
Brodsky in English
Post scriptum : povijest i značenje uijeća pisanja
Columna Traiani - Traianssäule : Siegesmonument und Kriegsbericht in Bildern : Beiträge der Tagung in Wien anlässlich des 1900. Jahrestages der Einweihung, 9.-12. Mai 2013
<<Lingvisticeskoe istocnikovedenie i istorija russkogo jazyka>> [9]: 2016-2017
Rime d'amore
Liber Isottaeus
Greek personal names in Dalmatia : A lexicon : a contribution to the onomastics of the hellenistic eastern adriatic coast and the province of Roman Empire, 4th BC- 7th century AD century
Presente cinese : espressioni nell'arte contemporanea
Il pathos nella filosofia antica : cinque studi
Vol. 4: Canti cortesi maggiori ; Inni
<<Poesie>> Vol. 1
Vol. 3: Canti cortesi minori
Vol. 2: Arie degli Stati
<<Poesie>> Vol. 2
Mladezeljeznodobne kovanice iz Arheoloskog Muzeja u Zagrebu = Late Iron-Age coins at the archaeological Museum in Zagreb: a study of 'Celtic' coinage from Southern Pannonia : „Keltski" novac Juzne Panonije
Vol. 1: Arie degli Stati
Russkaja literaturno-hudožestvennaja kritika v Gruzii : 1918-1922
Understanding society through a systems approach : interdisciplinary perspectives from the social sciences
Sustainability Accounting, Management Control and Reporting : A European Perspective
Sustainability reporting : conception, international approaches and double materiality in action
Sustainability reporting, ethics, and strategic management strategies for modern organizations