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MATELICA - Biblioteca comunale 'Libero Bigiaretti'

Corso Vittorio Emanuele 127

62024 Matelica


Referent: Elisabetta Graziosi, Eleonora Butera e Elena Federici (Coop. Le Pagine).

Tel.: 0737 86022




Accesso disabili: Total access

Responsabile: Dott. Giampiero Piras


dal 01/01/2025 al 31/12/2025

09:00 - 12:00  / 15:30 - 19:00
09:00 - 12:30  / 15:30 - 19:00
09:00 - 12:30  / 15:30 - 19:00
09:00 - 12:30  / 15:30 - 19:00
09:00 - 12:30  / 15:30 - 19:00

Altre informazioni


Open shelves

Interlibrary loans

photocopier self-service

PCs with internet connection

Reference activity


The library was transferred on 12th December 1998 to the new site of Palazzo Ottoni, which was recently restored with regional and provincial interventions. In the modern and large rooms there is a special reading section for kids and teens, with the goal of greeting and satisfying requests from young people, but also the ones that are more demanding. There are 24 work stations in the reading room and in the kids’ room there are 12.
The original collection of the Library originates from the convent suppression, which took place after the Italian Unification. More precisely, it originates from the library heritage of the Capuchin Friars and the Friars Minor Observant. The donation that came from the Friars Minor Observant still exists in the inventory, however, exactly how much of those materials are actually possessed by the library should be subject to verification. Around 1863, in fact, many volumes were put up for sale.

In 1890 a circulating library was set up in the town. In the early years of the 1900’s the collection was enriched thanks to the Fossa donation, which is full of juridical materials (an ancient inventory of this donation still exists but how many volumes are actually still in the library needs to be verified). In the 1950s, it was connected to the collection of the Reading Centre of the Ministry of Education and managed with its staff. In compliance with art.8 of the D.P.R. 616/77 the Reading Centre was abolished and the Municipality, after having provided for the stock taking of the materials, re-opened the building to the public in 1981, using the same premises of the Centre.

In 1981 the library was re-opened to the public with a library stock of about 7,200 volumes, many of which were obsolete; since this date, the increase through purchases and donations has been steady, and at the moment in the library there are around 50,000 volumes, as well as a donation made by Francesca Pardi which has not been catalogued and is closed inside 20 boxes and another one of about 150 volumes, from Alberto Bufali’s heirs that has almost been fully catalogued.

The library was dedicated to the writer from Matelica, Liberio Bigiaretti in 1997. It is a general library with a specific interest in the personalities of Matelica: Bigiaretti, Boldrini, Mattei and the history of Matelica. It has a sector dedicated to teens, with about 8,000 volumes; in the library stock there are also DVDs and CDs, an internet station; the study room is complete with a Wi-Fi connection.