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POTENZA PICENA - Bibl. comunale 'Cenerelli Campana'

Via Dello Sport, 2 (stabile scuola elementare)

62018 Potenza Picena


Referent: Antonella Melatini ; Daniela Leonori

Tel.: 0733 671963



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dal 01/01/2025 al 31/12/2025

17:30 - 19:30
17:30 - 19:30
17:30 - 19:30
17:30 - 19:30
17:30 - 19:30

Giorni di chiusura

  • dal 23/12/2024 al 07/01/2025

Altre informazioni


Interlibrary loans

Photocopier self-service

PCs with internet connection

Reference activity

The Civil Library of Potenza Picena (MC) is located in a wing of an ex-Franciscan convent (XIII sec.) and it was founded in 1975. From the 90’s a series of volunteers and a sensible municipal administration gave the Library and the History Archive regular opening times and precise functioning, succeeding in increasing the number of books and visitors.
From 2005, the management was entrusted by the Municipality to a cultural-social association (called from 2009 "Accademia dei Calaginosi") together with the Historical Archive (which preserves datable documentation from the XIII – XX centuries, among which 144 parchments, the oldest one dating from 1235), with a further significant increase in the flow and choice of books purchased.
The library heritage consists of around 27,000 documents between the ancient collection and the modern collection (with frequent donations from private individuals and public entities), the majority can be consulted online.
For users under 15 years old there are more than 3,000 books (including texts for dyslexics, for those learning Italian, audio books, etc.) and 3 running magazines.
For older users, there are periodicals about literature (poetry, prose, essay writing ,etc.) art, politics (non-partisan), local and regional realities (with a daily press review, institutional publications, etc.) with 126 collections (dailies, weeklies, monthlies, etc.) of which 22 are still running.
There also collections such as the “Night Effect” (fclen) one at the reading centre, a cultural association that has been active for about 10 years (since ’96) in the Library, that promotes events and creative laboratories, leaving various texts about art, poetry, creative writing and language and the subscription to the best literary and figurative magazines. The Diegi-Beltrami collection is noteworthy, with 92 Italian and foreign scores.
In addition to this, there are over 1,000 audiovisual documents (ranging from multimedia encyclopaedias, to music, movies, documentaries, of which various historical-local ones, and software programmes).
There are 4 internet stations, including a touch screen PC with a video camera, including one for exclusive use by staff as well as 1 e-reader, to have a certain quantity of books in a unique device.

10 work stations.
Direct and free loan of books, for residents and non-residents (renewable for 30 days);
Direct and free loan of VHS and DVDs, for residents and non-residents, (for 7 days);
Direct and free loan of some back issues of magazines and periodicals (variable duration), for residents and non-residents;
Interlibrary loans (national and international, with free reciprocity in some cases); domestic loans (in some cases);
References and bibliographical research (also through email or on FB);
Consultation, reading and study of books, papers and multimedia encyclopaedias, magazines and periodicals, some in subscription, others gifted, not all complete (among which: Art & Dossier, Focus, Focus junior, Art Attack, Corriere proposte, Leggere tutti, Poesia, La rucola, La voce nelle Marche, Le cento città, Lo specchio, Bollettino salesiano, Marche, L’espresso, Il venerdì di Repubblica, Rocca, Studia Picena, Picvs, Studi Maceratesi, Rimarcando, Rassegna storica del Risorgimento, Deputazione di storia patria nelle Marche, I quaderni dell’Istituto Gramsci, Proposte e Ricerche, Atti e Memorie; (fclen) Nuovi Argomenti, il Verri, Tratti, Atelier, Letture, Soglie, Hortus, istmi, Cartolaria, Pelagos, Clan Destino, Origini, Il foglio clandestino, Il segnale, Kamen, Nuovo contrappunto, etc.).

Animated readings and shared readings (The latter is a system that aims to promote reading among people who are lazy, unwilling and not so stimulated. A different way of approaching books in a location that helps this proposal); Creative laboratories (as above, regarding figurative and manual activities);
Board-games (il paroliere, lo scarabeo, il proverbiere, chess, etc.);
Internet can be used with respect for the regulations and registration in an appropriate timesheet in compliance with D. Lgs 196/2003 and law 155/2005;
Guided tour of the structure (that includes not only the Library and the Archive, but also the plaster casts gallery and a small collection of contemporary art);
Press review (articles about the territory from: Il Resto del Carlino, Corriere Adriatico, Il Messaggero, Cronache Maceratesi, etc.);
Informagiovani and Employment: with a tutor, subject to a free appointment, for curricula or advice. Free consultation of advertisements and job offers online. Possibility to use a space to post your own applications for and offers of employment.

The pride of the Library are the animated readings and creative laboratories for kids (since 2005, the library has been part of the National circuit of “Nati per Leggere” with over 800 meetings in 10 years). In conclusion, the staff collaborates with the association of the territory that works with minors (A.Ge; AmaDown, etc.).