SAN GINESIO - Biblioteca comunale 'Scipione Gentili'
Via Capocastello, 35
62026 San Ginesio
Referent: Responsabile dott.ssa Pepe Ragoni - Direttrice onoraria
Tel.: 0733 656022
Fax: 0733 656068
Accesso disabili: Total access
Other staff: Alicia Cappuccio
Causa eventi sismici i servizi sono sospesi.
dal 01/01/2025 al 31/12/2025
09:00 - 13:00
09:00 - 13:00
dal 01/01/2025 al 31/12/2025
CISG Fondo Gentili - sede Via Giacomo Matteotti, 18
dal 01/01/2025 al 31/12/2025
10:00 - 13:00
10:00 - 13:00
10:00 - 13:00
dal 01/01/2025 al 31/12/2025
Altre informazioni
Interlibrary loans
PCs with internet connection
Reference activity
The “Scipione Gentili” civil library is located in one of a series of 4 bright buildings, on the first floor of the North wing of the Municipal Palace. Accessibility is guaranteed thanks to the presence of a lift and a lack of serious obstacles. It is open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays, except for feast days, but given that the service is carried out by volunteers, we recommend that you contact the Municipality of San Ginesio or mediate with the operators. The same goes for the CISG collection, which is located on the ground floor of the ex-Augustinian cenobio, at the site of the International Centre of Gentiliani Studies.
The heritage of the library consists of 12,000 volumes that are divided up into two sections, the ancient one and the modern one. The two sections are hosted in different rooms, the modern one is larger and with open shelves, the ancient one consists of two small rooms with closed shelves. The modern one has 10 seats, the old one has 6.There is only one PC that can be used by visitors, when the post is not occupied in cataloguing operations. In general, this problem does not arise because more and more users arrive with their laptops and they connect up to multifunctional plugs (socket, internet connection and telephone) that were installed in 3 rooms in 2004, when the significant restoration works were carried out on the library. This necessity to isolate the walls with fireproof panels, and to substitute the old open aluminium shelves with especially designed shelves, led to the opportunity to replace the original heritage of the library, comparing it with the one described in the paper register of the old section (“Ancient Library” and “Cinquecentine”) and the modern section (“Modern Library”).
The ancient section includes the volumes of the traditional library, catalogued on paper and divided up by subject and author. In this section, in the “Febo Allevi” room, there is the “Fund of the Cinquecentine”, that is, the 366 print editions dating from the XVI century identified to date; 6 Incunabula that have been identified and catalogued, 1 mutilated Incunabula, identified but not catalogued, and 5 other probable ones that remain to be identified; two handwritten codices of the Ginesini Statutes, one on parchment and with coloured capital letters that dates back to the XIV century, the other one on paper, 1577; the print edition of the Statutorum Terrae Ecclesiasticae Sancti Genesii Volumen, Maceratae apud Sebastianum Martellinum, 1582; three handwritten codices of the history of San Ginesio, that is, Genesiae Historiae Libri XII by Marinangelo Severini (before 1580 c.) and two translations dating from the same era by Francesco Majolini and Paolo Ciampaglia, that, together with the rare edition of the eighth century of the book “Della Cupramontana Ginesina” by Paolo Morichelli Riccomanni (1770), the two volumes of the “Sanginesio Illustrata” by Telesforo Benigni (1790 and 1795) and the “Memorie storiche di Sanginesio (Marche)” in relation to the nearby territory by Giuseppe Salvi (1889), together form the source and the basis of coordination for the history of San Ginesio.
The modern section includes over 6,000 units, a lot of them catalogued in OPAC with the Sebina SOL system of the University Library Pole of Macerata. All the volumes of this section are available to the public and for consultation and the most of them even for loan and interlibrary loan. In this section, the “Marche Collection” is noteworthy, which, as well as numerous local publications, especially pertaining to art, history and authors from the Marche, includes the “Allevi Fund” and the “Gentili Fund”, the latter one has recently been enriched by the addition of the specialist heritage collection of the library of the International Centre of Gentiliani Studies.