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TOLENTINO - Biblioteca Egidiana (Convento San Nicola)

Piazza Silveri, 3

62029 Tolentino


Referent: (Responsabile) Monica Ruffini

Tel.: 0733 976318

Fax: 0733 976346


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Accesso disabili: Total access



Servizio di document delivery e di prestito su appuntamento (tel. 0733-976318).

dal 01/01/2025 al 31/12/2025

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Open shelves

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Reference activity


The Egidiana Library was given this name over twenty years ago now because it is dedicated to a famous and important figure from the Augustinian order: Egidio Colonna, also called Egidio Romano, who lived from 1243 to 1316, he was a disciple of Saint Thomas Aquinas, a doctor at the Sorbonne in Paris, a general of the Augustinian Order and then archbishop of Bourges.
An extremely versatile man in the field of humanities, philosophy and theology, he earned the title of doctor fundatissimus and is considered the founder and the highest ranking representative of the theological Augustinian school.
The Egidiana Library of the Augustinian fathers of Tolentino has a lengthy history, although not all of it can be rebuilt easily. In 1358, the general Prior of the Augustinian Order, Gregorio da Rimini, when writing to the Prior of the convent of Tolentino, talked about books to be preserved in “armario et libraria”, that is, in a library, and not to be left to the individual members of the religious order. Other news down through the centuries proves that the Augustinians of Tolentino have always taken care of the library. Over the last forty years, thanks to fathers: Agostino Vita, Ivo Ricotta, Nicola Stollagli, Marziano Rondina and Pietro Bellini, the library premises have been restored and extended, renovated furnished and shelved. As far as librarians are concerned, the following deserve a special mention: Father Domenico Gentili, Father Ezio Ruggeri and Orlando Ruffini. Monica Ruffini is currently the director of the library, she started the cataloguing on the computer, and it then became part of the University Pole SBN of Macerata. In 1998 the library was formally known as for “public benefit” and its archive was recognised as being of “remarkable historical interest".
In the consultation room there are various encyclopaedias, both general and specific. We would like to highlight the following in particular:
• Treccani Encyclopaedia
• British Encyclopaedia
• Biographical dictionary of Italians
• Catholic Encyclopaedia
• Library sanctorum
• Dictionary of the perfection institutes
• Big encyclopaedic dictionary utet
• European Encyclopaedia Garzanti
• Dictionnaire de theol. cathol.
• U. Thieme und F. Becker, AllgemeinesLexikon Der Bildenden Kunstler...
• E. Benezit, Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs
• Universal Encyclopaedia of art Sansoni

And what’s more, other than the dictionaries, a lot of civil history, philosophy, literature and various science collections.
In the storage area we have the big Moroni Dictionary, many large and smaller dictionaries about various subjects, from all eras.
The Library, which gathers books from other convents and donors, has many books of different genres, but follows three particular sectors with special interest:
• Marche
• Augustinians
• Texts and Studies about Saint Augustine

The library collection, consisting of 80,000 volumes, includes ancient and precious monographs about humanistic, scientific and religious sectors, such as: Greek and Latin ancient literature, Italian and foreign literature, civil history, philosophy and theology, art, geography, economics and medicine.
To these sectors we must also add the archaeological collection, consisting of the professor’s private library.
In the Library there is also a historic archive of the convent and of the Augustinian Province, which is important for local and regional history.
ATTILIO PROFUMO (Genoa 1859 - Rome1945). An archaeologist and historian of international fame, known for his work “Le fonti ed i tempi dell'incendio neroniano". He was married to Angela Janata hailing from the nearby Valcimarra (MC). He was a great lover of Saint Nicola and as an expert archaeologist, he analysed the various artefacts that came from the excavation for the finding of the corpse of the Saint and certified their authenticity. His body, together with that of his wife, was transferred to the Tolentino cemetery and buried in the tomb of the Augustinian community. His extensive library was donated to the convent of Saint Nicola. It is very rich in Latin and Greek classics, but especially in archaeological studies concerning Rome and Pompeii.
AGOSTINO TRAPÈ (Montegiorgio 1915 - Rome 1987). Augustinian, a son of the Picena Region and great scholar of Saint Augustine, the author of many writings, he taught in the various Roman Universities; he was at first assistant of the Italian provinces and then general superior of the Order. Founder and dean of the Patristic Institute "Augustinianum", founder and headmaster of the "Nuova biblioteca agostiniana". According to the Augustinian Order Constitution, he left his books to the Province, which in turn deposited them in this Library.
CARLO SALVI (Colmurano 1912-Tolentino 1988). A man of great culture and faith, devoted to Saint Nicola and a friend of the Augustinian fathers, he left his books to the Egidiana Library. Other than theological books, there was an extensive amount of material of geographical, artistic and philosophical interest.
IGNAZIO UGHI (Rome 1913-Bologna 2001). A philosophy teacher and director for years at the “Don Sturzo” Centre of Rome, he donated his rich private library that, given its wide-ranging and important functions, ranges from Italian and foreign literature, to art and especially to political–social and economic problems. It also contains dictionaries and encyclopaedias that are ancient, rare and precious volumes.
EDMONDO CASADIDIO (Tolentino 1919-2007), for many years he was the didactic Director of the primary school of Tolentino, a researcher and scholar of local history, he worked with different publications about the history of the city and carried out some important analyses of monuments and specific periodicals and historical facts. A great lover of Saint Nicola and friend of many religious people, he was always interested in the activities of the Egidiana Library, and was available at every moment to collaborate in the various cultural activities and in solving problems that arose in historical research. On many occasions he donated his own publications to the Egidiana, as well as booklets and a rich collection of postcards from all over the world.
DAVIDE FALCIONI (Rendinara di Morino [AQ] 1913–Tolentino 2008), Augustinian. He taught in the seminary of Montegiorgio (AP) from 1937 to 1946. In 1946 he went to Rome to the convent of Saint Augustine, in 1948 to the community of the parish of Saint Anna in the Vatican, a site that will later become his actual home. He was nominated parson of Saint Anna in 1961, he held this post for over thirty years, until 15 September 1991. From then he was always very active in his apostolate of “confessor”. With the approval of Cardinal Virgilio Noè, then Vicarious of the Holy Father for the Vatican City, he exercised the office of exorcist in Saint Anna. He also found the time to publish many books of devotion and poems. Throughout the years, he often manifested his interest in the Egidiana Library, donating books and in the end his entire library.
DOMENICO GENTILI (Froilan Palacio [Santa Fe, Argentina], 1914–Tolentino 1992), an Augustinian, he graduated in philosophy at the Angelicum of Rome and later in letters at the University of Bologna, he taught philosophy in the national philosophic College in Viterbo and then in the theological College of Tolentino, in the secondary school of second grade in different cities of Macerata and especially in Tolentino, where he was professor of history and philosophy and headmaster in the Classic High School “Filelfo”. Between the publications of the “Life of Saint Augustine” and the “Life of Saint Nicola” (printed many times); he translated the “Dialogues” and “Of the City of God” by Saint Augustine. He was the first librarian of the Egidiana Library (a name chosen by him in memory of the great Egidio Romano), for years he organized and enriched the library collection.