Document detail cover Find the document in other resources Remove from the list Add to the list Permalink The permalink has been copied, you can use it immediately.Just press Ctrl+v keys to put it where you prefer. Facebook Twitter La campagna romana antica, medioevale e moderna Tomassetti, Giuseppe 1979 - 1980 Write a review and share it with other readers. Contains Find it at Details Comments 1: La campagna romana in genere, 1979 7: Indici, 1980 2: Via Appia, Ardeatina ed Aurelia, 1979 4: Via Latina, 1979 5: Via Laurentina-Ostiense, 1979 3: Vie Cassia e Clodia, Flaminia e Tiberina Labicana e Prenestina, 1979 6: Vie Nomentana e Salaria, Portuense, Tiburtina, 1979